Well this is my life!
So I have had an epiphany. I am going to write a book. Just for fun. Well, maybe not for fun, but I am going to do it anyway. I already started researching it, and I made an outline. I guess that means I have to follow it through right? Well, no one can make me do anything I don't want to do, so screw everybody else. Well, maybe not literally, that would be hours spent lying on my back with my legs in the air, and truthfully, lets be honest, I am the last person on earth to be doing that. Now that you have that lovely picture i nyour heads.... sorry about that. Sometimes I wish there was someone, I mean, we all get lonely, and when you have no friends to hang out with anymore (I love you guys, and miss you a lot!) then you get kinda bored sometimes. Not that I don't love my aunt, but I see her all day at work, so then to spend all the rest of my time with her would be too much I think. Occasionally is fine, just not all the time. Its the times when I am at home by myself (well, now with Lucky) that I wish I could just go to the bar, pick someone up, and take them home with me. But see, if I did that, I would never be able to live with myself. Either that, or I am afraid I would like it, and keep doing it. One or the other. Or maybe both, which would be even worse. Like I need lower self esteem. I never think of myself the way other people see me. When I look in the mirror, I see a not too bad looking girl, with big tits, and too much extra around the middle. Apparently thats not what other people see, but I cant help it. Thats what I have always seen, and the image just wont go away. Thats the other thing I am afraid of. Once my clothes are off, the other person is going to take off, because they dont like what they see. I cant stand the idea of being hurt like that. So I just dont go there. Is that a bad thing? I dont care if it is. I just cant make myself get there. Sarah says guys look at me all the time, and because I dont notice them, they leave. I want to beleive her, but thats not how I see myself, so I have a hard time with it. I guess we are all a little f***ed up on the inside, even if we dont let people see it. yay and hooray, my self pity rant is done for the day. I will not trouble you anymore.
At January 05, 2006 5:30 PM,
Laura said…
I dont suppose you are supposed to comment on your own blog, but this was the info in my head, and somehow writing it down made me feel better.
At January 08, 2006 12:12 AM,
life's a dream said…
You can comment on your own blog if you darn well please. And I'm going to comment on it too. I think you writing a book is brilliant. What kind of book?
I'm lonely too. It's been a long time since I've felt any sort of attraction from another person. And those who I like, well, I'm not their type.
You know what, Laur? you are beautiful. You're sweet and kind and wonderful, and any man would be lucky to have you. I know you're not comfortable with yourself. You're not full of the confidence that you deserve. But you are beautiful, and smart, and yes, Laura, even sexy! I think what it comes down to is confidence. You know, so often we're told that we're not good enough (granted, it's usually by ourselves), but I say screw that! You know what, you are good enough. You're perfect to God, and He's made for you the perfect guy who's out there somewhere looking for you.
If you get a chance to, read my entry from October 3rd, "Damn I'm good." Try to see yourself as other's see you. I guarantee it will make a world of difference.
I love you. And I miss you.
At January 09, 2006 9:24 AM,
Laura said…
Thank you for that inspiration Hayley. I think I am going to print that out and post it on my bulletin board. I love the thoughts that you have given me, and how wonderful you made me feel about myself. Damn I'm good! Have you ever thought about submitting that to a magazing Hales? It really made my day!
At January 09, 2006 11:29 AM,
life's a dream said…
It's time we all stop kicking ourselves when we're down. Sometimes we need to hear that we're wonderful... especially from ourselves. Make it a point to start telling yourself the REAL truths. No more of this "I'm too stupid. Or ugly. Or fat. Or mean. Or uncool. Or whatever else garbage we tell ourselves." It's time to say Yes! I'm awesome. I have lots of friends. I'm a good person. And I'm good at this and this and.... Go on! Brag about yourself. Write it down and read it to yourself. Aloud. Do it. You don't have to share it with anyone with yourself. Even if you don't truly believe it. Write it down. Write down every positive thing you would say to your friend, and say it to yourself.
Laura, I love you. You are wonderful. You just need to see it too. And no, I never thought about publishing... lol.. maybe I will.
Damn, I'm good! is right. Damn, you're good.
At January 09, 2006 12:23 PM,
Laura said…
I love you!! And I will! I think this is a great inspirational day.
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