Are all men truly assholes? Are they are perverted disgusting jerks?
Here is the scene...Laura goes upstairs to inform her landlord that, once again, her door is not shutting, and her basement suite is freezing, and she really would like her door to be able to close and lock properly. (Not too much to ask, I would think, since the landlord knew about the problem since I moved in...) Not only that, but she is planning to go out with some friends, and some weird, greasy, freakishly ferretlike man has his car parked behind hers, and she cannot get out.
Anywho. So Bill (cousin and roomate for those of you who don't know) goes up to the door. Apparently Mike (landlord) gets offended by Bill's presence, but immediatly calms down when I get to the door.
Me: Hi Mike, we were just leaving, and someone is parked behind us...
Bill: Yeah, so can someone move their car?
Mike: Hey now man! Just chill out, I'll deal with it, okay? (Of course this is said in a very loud, drunken, and gruff type of voice.)
Me: (having visions of grown men wrestling around in the snow in the driveway like some kind of weird demented lemmings jumps right in.) No no! Its not a problem, we just wanted to be able to go pretty quick. I started the car, and it has to warm up for a second anyway...
Mike: (very creepy look... eww!!) So how've you been keeping yourself? You look good.
Of course by this time, I can hardly not notice that he is using the doorframe to prop himself up... Not only that, but his 2 kids (yes, single but with kids... not interested, sorry!) are standing right behind him. Not exactly the most appropriate time or place to hit on your much younger (much!) and obviously not interested basement tenant.
Me: I am good. Been keeping busy...(frantically trying to come up with some way to end the conversation and run!) So, do you think someone could move that blue car?
Mike: We should go out for coffee sometime. How about tomorrow morning?
Me: (anything to get out of here!) Sure...about that car?
It was at this point that I noticed his girlfriend standing there as well. So not only is he like close to 30, but he has 2 kids, 7 and 11 years old, and a girlfriend (who is not the mother of his kids.) To make matters worse he is hitting on me...Can you say gross?
Now, I have not mentioned this part, because I am not racist, but he is also native. I was really good friends with some native girls in college, and one of my aunts is native as well. All of my cousins from that family have their Indian status (which allows you to fish without a liscense!! A little off the topic, but cool nonetheless.) Anyway, just trying to provide a little background on how I am anything but racist. Point being, he was sort of fitting the poor stereotypical image of natives that people have, and well, I was not impressed.
Me: Um, so we'd better go, my car has been running for a while. (can I get out of here, please? PLEASE????)
Bill: Yeah we'd better go. (Sure Bill, pipe up now... good timing buddy. Could you have, i don't know, maybe interupted before the creep asked me out in front of his girlfriend and kids?)
Mike: We've been celebrating with my friend Johnny here, its his 21st birthday, and you should come in and party with us...
(Johnny of course, being the aforementioned weird, greasy, freakishly ferretlike man...)
Johnny: (very slurring speech and stumbling manner) SShhuuure, i can move my char. (Char? okay buddy, have another one.)
Blech!!! To make a long story short now I am extremely creeped out every time I see my Landlord! I want to move!! Pervert! In front of his kids. Yegch!! And not only that, when we went to the bar, no one that was not old, creepy, or vaguely ferretlike hit on me. All old disgusting men. I want a young one. A not creepy one, who has absolutely no resemblance to any nocturnal animal of any kind of rat family. I still have shivers thinking about it.
Here is the scene...Laura goes upstairs to inform her landlord that, once again, her door is not shutting, and her basement suite is freezing, and she really would like her door to be able to close and lock properly. (Not too much to ask, I would think, since the landlord knew about the problem since I moved in...) Not only that, but she is planning to go out with some friends, and some weird, greasy, freakishly ferretlike man has his car parked behind hers, and she cannot get out.
Anywho. So Bill (cousin and roomate for those of you who don't know) goes up to the door. Apparently Mike (landlord) gets offended by Bill's presence, but immediatly calms down when I get to the door.
Me: Hi Mike, we were just leaving, and someone is parked behind us...
Bill: Yeah, so can someone move their car?
Mike: Hey now man! Just chill out, I'll deal with it, okay? (Of course this is said in a very loud, drunken, and gruff type of voice.)
Me: (having visions of grown men wrestling around in the snow in the driveway like some kind of weird demented lemmings jumps right in.) No no! Its not a problem, we just wanted to be able to go pretty quick. I started the car, and it has to warm up for a second anyway...
Mike: (very creepy look... eww!!) So how've you been keeping yourself? You look good.
Of course by this time, I can hardly not notice that he is using the doorframe to prop himself up... Not only that, but his 2 kids (yes, single but with kids... not interested, sorry!) are standing right behind him. Not exactly the most appropriate time or place to hit on your much younger (much!) and obviously not interested basement tenant.
Me: I am good. Been keeping busy...(frantically trying to come up with some way to end the conversation and run!) So, do you think someone could move that blue car?
Mike: We should go out for coffee sometime. How about tomorrow morning?
Me: (anything to get out of here!) Sure...about that car?
It was at this point that I noticed his girlfriend standing there as well. So not only is he like close to 30, but he has 2 kids, 7 and 11 years old, and a girlfriend (who is not the mother of his kids.) To make matters worse he is hitting on me...Can you say gross?
Now, I have not mentioned this part, because I am not racist, but he is also native. I was really good friends with some native girls in college, and one of my aunts is native as well. All of my cousins from that family have their Indian status (which allows you to fish without a liscense!! A little off the topic, but cool nonetheless.) Anyway, just trying to provide a little background on how I am anything but racist. Point being, he was sort of fitting the poor stereotypical image of natives that people have, and well, I was not impressed.
Me: Um, so we'd better go, my car has been running for a while. (can I get out of here, please? PLEASE????)
Bill: Yeah we'd better go. (Sure Bill, pipe up now... good timing buddy. Could you have, i don't know, maybe interupted before the creep asked me out in front of his girlfriend and kids?)
Mike: We've been celebrating with my friend Johnny here, its his 21st birthday, and you should come in and party with us...
(Johnny of course, being the aforementioned weird, greasy, freakishly ferretlike man...)
Johnny: (very slurring speech and stumbling manner) SShhuuure, i can move my char. (Char? okay buddy, have another one.)
Blech!!! To make a long story short now I am extremely creeped out every time I see my Landlord! I want to move!! Pervert! In front of his kids. Yegch!! And not only that, when we went to the bar, no one that was not old, creepy, or vaguely ferretlike hit on me. All old disgusting men. I want a young one. A not creepy one, who has absolutely no resemblance to any nocturnal animal of any kind of rat family. I still have shivers thinking about it.
At March 14, 2006 9:09 PM,
life's a dream said…
move out.. then come to the "good side"... however the good side is full of ex's and drama, and hitting and stalking and psychoticness... maybe you could stick to the other side.. lol.. there are assholes everywhere... good times.
At March 15, 2006 10:18 AM,
Laura said…
I think we are moving out, I really hope so. I don't know if the "good side" would be able to handle me Hales...hee hee. Not to mention I just don't think that would work out. Yeah. Assholes everywhere. Amen sista!
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