Oh My...
So Bill and I are moving. It is official. And now our landlord is going to be a jerk about it! Arg. We have no lease agreement, nothing down on paper, and now they throw the Landlord-Tenant Act in my face. You have to give notice from the 1st to the 1st. How about the 15th to the 15th? Thats what you are getting! Thats a full month, and with the shortage of housing around here, its not like you won't be able to find replacements. Hell, I could find my own replacement. I bet I could have it for the 15th too! So take that you bastards. Now I am worried that if something breaks, they are not going to fix it. Well you are leaving anyway, what difference does it make? Bah. I can just see it now. Laura sitting in her basement, wearing all the clothes she owns, along with every single blanket in the house, and she is still shivering. *Sigh* Oh, and she can see her breath! Just peachy. (This is based on a true story by the way.) Man. This is just what I needed. Thanks. Jerks!
At March 16, 2006 9:04 PM,
Shantelle said…
Hey Fred! Glad to know I have another reader. You are welcome anytime . I try to update it often but I never know what to wright. Hope all is well.
At March 19, 2006 7:34 PM,
Shantelle said…
Hey Fred , I will try to leave a comment again. The last one did not work. But nice ti hear from you. You are more than welcome on my blog whenever. Its boring though just so you know
At March 20, 2006 9:06 AM,
Laura said…
Looks like you are in duplicate Tully!
At March 20, 2006 11:03 PM,
Shantelle said…
My name is not and never was this so called Tully???? So there for we are Fred. Remember we had this talk in a service desk chat . Thought you would have caught on. He he . My first post would not post then when the second one did the first one did too. Have a nice day.
At March 21, 2006 9:26 AM,
Laura said…
Jo calls you Tully. Or Telly or whatever the heck way you want it spelt. It just makes most sense to me that you would spell it the way it sounds. Tully. Thats how it sounds. If you would rather it was Telly, I don't care. Fred is fine, I have been called by many different names, so one more wont hurt! Hee hee. Anyways. I should probably post something new... meh. Maybe a little later. Have a gooder!
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