Oh Dear Me
I thought I was being so good. I had not been to any fast food joints in a couple of weeks. This morning, I had no milk left, therefore, no cereal, and I could not be late for work. Rather than searching fruitlessly through my house for something edible, I broke down and went to Mickey-D's for breaky. I always get the Breakfast Burritos, somehow my brain thinks they are healthier than anything else there, but in truth, I really doubt it. Anyway, I pull up to the window, hand the guy my debit card, and he starts to ask if I want my debit reciept. Then he looks up, recognizes me, and says he remembers that I never take it. (I don't.)
Oh d-d-d-dear. It's pretty sad when the people at McDonalds recognize you. (I suppose I should clarify that I don't know this guy from anywhere else. I would remember if I did. He is cute. A little too young maybe, but cute nonetheless.) I thought I was doing so good! No fast food in quite a while.
I suppose, in my defense, that I was there every day for about 3 weeks in February, because I was lazy, and for some reason, just did not give a shit that it was fast food. But still. Then he has a pretty good memory.
Is it just me? Or do you think it is sad when the peeps at McDs know you?
Oh dear.
Oh d-d-d-dear. It's pretty sad when the people at McDonalds recognize you. (I suppose I should clarify that I don't know this guy from anywhere else. I would remember if I did. He is cute. A little too young maybe, but cute nonetheless.) I thought I was doing so good! No fast food in quite a while.
I suppose, in my defense, that I was there every day for about 3 weeks in February, because I was lazy, and for some reason, just did not give a shit that it was fast food. But still. Then he has a pretty good memory.
Is it just me? Or do you think it is sad when the peeps at McDs know you?
Oh dear.
At May 31, 2006 9:51 AM,
S* said…
You are too much, Laura. Sometimes the body just CRAVES all that fast and grease. It's, like, hardwired into our genetic makeup. You can't fight nature, right? LOL.
At May 31, 2006 11:41 AM,
Laura said…
I wish I could fight my nature. Sometimes. I have to say though, it was damn good. Well worth the carbs and calories. Yum.
Now what to do for lunch....
Just kidding!
:)*evil grin*
At May 31, 2006 10:04 PM,
Anthony said…
Hey, I used to work in a pub and the regulars definitely didn't feel sad when they walked in; they thought they were royalty!
Who cares if someone remembers you. You probably made an impression on their mind that has nothing to do with the fact that you eat there alot. Perhaps they thought you were cute, hmm?
I wish I was a regular somewhere. Better yet, I wish I got outside more.
At June 01, 2006 8:48 AM,
Laura said…
I guess it is a good thing if people remember you for being nice. I would like that. Or hey, if he thought I was cute, that's even better!
I'm not really a regular anywhere...and I wish I could be outside more too...then I would have a tan!
At June 01, 2006 11:35 PM,
life's a dream said…
My Aunt Lori is a compulsive shopper. She shops so much at the gap, that all of the staff know her. One day she goes into the gap, and is buying a gift card for someone. "Who's it from?" My aunt responds to the new clerk "Lori Miller." "Oh, you mean Lori Noble Miller." (I changed the last name in case she gets mad). But all the regular staff obviously had told this girl about this compulsive shopper. The Gap bought her a $20.00 gift card for Christmas.
And when she goes to Starbucks, she walks in, doesn't have to stand in line because they have a carmel macchiato "don't be shy with the carmel" ready for her.
So don't feel bad.
At June 02, 2006 9:50 AM,
Laura said…
That's awesome!!
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