And the Blow up....
So this is interesting. Apparently Bill never wanted to be my room mate. He was "forced". Which is bull shit. If he did not want to live with me, he did not have to frickin' move up here. He could have stayed living at home with his mommy and daddy, who treated him like shit, sit on his ass, and do nothing all day. No driver's liscense, no job, no friends, no nothing. He wanted to move away from them, and come and live and work up here. So I offered. He could be my room mate. I could not really afford to live by myself. I did not really want to live by myself. I like the company. I thought we were getting along really good. But according to Mr. Know-It-All, I treat him like a little kid. I tell him to clean up (I am of course cleaning and offer the statement, do you want to clean the living room or the kitchen, because it is a total mess.) Which if I was sitting on my ass, doing nothing, and telling him to clean, okay, I could see that. But thats not how it was. I was cleaning. Since most of the furniture is mine, and I can't afford to replace it, I would appreciate it if it was treated a little nicely so that it lasts for a while. Not too much to ask right? Well, I guess it came across as, it is my stuff, don't touch it, don't use it. Not so. I said, please don't wreck it. Thats it. Not don't use it. Unless you are an idiot and destry everything you touch, but then thats your problem. So Laura is totally flabbergasted. Has no idea of what to say, because this kind of came out of no where. So I walked away for a moment, and then walked back and asked where this was all coming from. So we talked about it. I promised to try harder to I don't know whatever! Still not entirely sure what the problem was, but Bill is not so good with relating to people. So anyway. Guess its all good now. But I am still a little confuzzled. Like what the f*** just happened? I guess he feels better. So whatever. I was okay before that.
At March 24, 2006 1:08 PM,
life's a dream said…
good times, eh? sorry Laura. Thank sucks.
At March 24, 2006 5:54 PM,
Laura said…
I think we will be okay now after this, but its still so stoopid!
At March 24, 2006 10:33 PM,
Anthony said…
I'm guessing he is a friend? One thing I've learned is moving out with friends never works.
I'm personally all for moving with strangers, honestly.
But remember this: everything is temporary. Eventually this shall all pass.
I promise you.
At March 27, 2006 9:13 AM,
Laura said…
He's my cousin. I lived with a friend before, and that was okay. I think that we will only be living together as long as we have to. I can't wait for this to pass. And as you said, it is temporary. Thanks Antoine
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