Way Too Much Stuff...
So here Laura goes, moving again (after only 5 months... arg). Fun fun. Only now I have to up and down stairs 125 times a day. *sigh* I thought that I had gotten rid of a lot of things when I moved last, and I did, but it just seems to multiply. Since I don't know many people, I am doing most of this myself. The only good thing is that I am much more organised this time. I also can move over three evenings. So tonight and tomorrow night, all of my small stuff goes... and then on Wednesday night, when I have help, and a borrowed truck, all the big furniture goes. So then I clean on Wednesday night too, and then on Thursday afternoon, I go home for Easter... Once again, *sigh*. Too much stuff to move, too much stuff to do in one week, too much stuff going through my head.
At April 12, 2006 1:21 PM,
Laura said…
I miss you too Jo! I should be done all this shiznit by tonight. Sigh. Moving is hard work.
At April 12, 2006 8:12 PM,
Shantelle said…
Thats awesome. You said shiznit . I thought I only said that .
At April 12, 2006 10:57 PM,
Anthony said…
Moving can be a nag.
Reminds me of the one year I moved 3 times. Stressful, yes.
I'd help, but I'm Toronto.
You know how it is.
At April 13, 2006 9:18 AM,
Laura said…
Jo - Friday might work! I'll call you when I get there. And I'm not sure I am cool enough to say shiznit, but meh!
Shantelle: I may have even picked up that word from you! Although I think my brother says it too. Oh well, the word still rocks!
Antoine * Thanks for the offer, but yeah, it would be kinda hard to get here fast enough, especially since everything is moved as of last night... but you can help me unpack it all.... :) just jokes. I would never subject anyone to that. I have way too much crap.
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