All the different pieces.
All of the different pieces of my life are like a giant puzzle. The more I try to put them together, the harder it seems to to be to make them all fit. Everytime I get one piece in place, another pops out, and I can't remember where it went. I have been trying so hard to become a self-sustaining, independant, likeable, not-so-argumentative person. Balance life, healthy habits, and good lifestyle. Seems like something is always missing. Just when I think I am at peace, something else pops out, and I have to struggle to make it all fit in the lines again...*sigh*
At March 31, 2006 11:01 AM,
life's a dream said…
isn't life grand? I know it sucks sometimes, but I honestly don't think all the pieces are supposed to fit. Just say you do get everything all in place.. who will you be then? How will you grow? Change? If you accomplish everything and manage to get it all together, what more will there be to life?
just a thought
At April 01, 2006 10:50 PM,
Anthony said…
Think of it this way: do you really want to finish putting together that puzzle this early in your life? Once you put it together, then what?
Sure, you'll enjoy it for a little while - perhaps a long while. But eventually, you'll do something to destroy it.. either find something else to build on, or ruin what you have to start all over again.
It's apart of the human condition. We as humans will ruin anything that is perfect just because perfection is unexciting.
Or, perhaps it's only me who would do such a thing.
Enjoy the struggle.
I do.
At April 03, 2006 1:33 AM,
Dragon's Kin said…
hey laura...can relate to what you're talking about...i go thru it every damn day of my life...its weird coz the happiness and sadness in my life have some crazy ways of putting each other in their place! Unfortunately, I am always the victim...heh
guess the only answer is to truly 'live in the moment', no matter what! watsay?
At April 03, 2006 9:21 AM,
Laura said…
Hales: I think you are right. I would not be able to grow or change. And I would not want that. Eww. Stagnant cess pool of routine monotony. I can't think of anything worse.
Antoine: I don't think that I will even have all the pieces together when I am 80. Like you said, we always do something to take it apart again. I guess thats just the way we are. We would not be human if we didn't. I enjoy the struggle most days. Glad you do too!
Dragon's kin: Welcome to my blog! Thanks! I think we all go through this. Some days it does not bother us, but that day, it bothered me. We are all victims. Of our own making! Live in the moment? Sure will. I can see a sound piece of advice... and hopefully take it!
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