5 Cuurraaazzzeeee Things I want to do....
1. I want a nose job. To make my nose straight. I hate surgery. But I want to do it anyway.
2. I want to write a book. A book where everyone is as crazy and screwed up as people are in real life.
3. I want to get totally wasted, dance like crazy, make out with a hot guy, and in general, be the absolute life of the party (something I am not... :( shucks)
4. I want to drop everything, give one days notice, and go away for awhile. Go someplace warm. Just for the hell of it.
5. I want another peircing. The one right below your bottom lip. I think it is cute.
2. I want to write a book. A book where everyone is as crazy and screwed up as people are in real life.
3. I want to get totally wasted, dance like crazy, make out with a hot guy, and in general, be the absolute life of the party (something I am not... :( shucks)
4. I want to drop everything, give one days notice, and go away for awhile. Go someplace warm. Just for the hell of it.
5. I want another peircing. The one right below your bottom lip. I think it is cute.
At March 29, 2006 11:38 PM,
life's a dream said…
your nose... I know you say is crooked on the inside.. but I think it's just fine!
A book... how many pages do you have? Better get going missy!
Do it! Get drunk! Party. Make out. Have fun. Make it all about you.
Labrate (spelling?) piercings are nice. Just do it.
Go girl... live out your crazy.. and not so crazy dreams.
At March 30, 2006 7:56 AM,
Anthony said…
I want to do two of those 5 things (# 2 and 4.)
Never really was into getting wasted and making out with hot guys really.
At March 30, 2006 9:53 AM,
Laura said…
Thanks for the encouragement Hales, it means a lot to me. I don't know if I will ever get that piercing, seeing as how I work in an office. Maybe when I go back to school. I don't have very many pages done, but I will get there.
Antoine, I can see that you might not want to make out with guys..but I would! tee hee. Write a book Antoine. Its cleansing.
At March 30, 2006 1:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
Point 2 is also in my list. But is going to take a long time...
At March 31, 2006 10:11 AM,
Laura said…
Anything worth doing is worth doing right, no matter how long it takes... I am finding that out the hard way *pouts*
At April 05, 2006 1:25 AM,
Dragon's Kin said…
I could help you out with #4, come n visit me....then maybe we could see if we could do somthing abt #3 lol ;)
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