This morning, I got up, took a shower, did my hair and makeup, got dressed, you know, the usual. But there is a difference today. I feel beautiful. I look beautiful. It got me thinking. Who sets this standard of what is beautiful and what is not?
Why should I let someone else tell me if I am beautiful or not. If I think it is so, then it is. According to some ancient "wisdom", Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Pardon my language, but I call bullshit. People have been telling us what beautiful is for centuries. No wonder the human race is so screwed up.
Every person on this planet would grow up with a healthy idea of what they, themselves think of beauty, if society would not interfere. I truly believe this. No one telling you what they think of so and so, and how about that person over there? No more magazines saying, wow, look, this celebrity got fat, and this one lost too much weight. Personally, if we would stay out of their lives, I think Hollywood would be that much healthier in terms of body image.
But forget about Hollywood. Forget about the media. Let's talk about me. (I wanna talk about me, wanna talk about, I wanna talk about #1, oh my me my - Sorry, could not resist the Toby Keith reference. Funny guy) I have a low self image on most days. I worry about what people think of me in this shirt, what about that skirt, can I hide my little tummy? What about my legs? How much of them can I show? All that kind of crap. And that's really all it is. Crap. Bull shit. Worth nothing!
I used to cover up everything. No sleeves shorter than 3/4, no shorts, capris had to reach at least mid-calf. A couple of weeks ago, my mom came to visit me. She is a short, loving, awesome, somewhat round person. (I look like her, only 6 inches taller...I'm a little more spread out.) She was wearing shorts, and a tank top. Nothing really skimpy, we don't really go for that, thick straps are the thing. (Plus we need to cover up the monstrous straps to the major support bras holding up our "girls".) Anyway, back to the point. She looked nice. She always looks nice. Clean, neat, tanned from being outside all the time. Her arms were showing, and so were her legs. She doesn't care. My dad doesn't care, he still loves her. None of us kids ever cared, and I don't remember any of our friends ever commenting, "Wow, your mom should not wear shorts." No one. She does not even think it herself. So why did I think it of myself? Mental defect from years of self punishment, I guess.
So I started wearing sleeveless tops. Pretty much every day, actually. (You should see how tanned my arms are getting!) I have one pair of shorts, that I wear around the yard...I would wear them in public, but they are kind of ripped in a lot of places, and look a little like Daisy Dukes. Of course, I don't look like Daisy Duke in them, but that's besides the point. I have a pair of shorts, and I wear them. I have been looking for more shorts, not that I have had much time to shop, and while I am no longer afraid of my legs, I don't really want them to look like sausages. I may had gotten a little sidetracked again, but the point is this: I am showing a little skin, and I am not afraid of it! I don't feel ugly, I don't feel fat. I feel good.
I may not be a size 2, or even a size 12, but hey, I feel pretty damn good. I look pretty damn good. And nothing has changed. I am still the same size as last summer. Apparently, it was all in my head. Does this suprise me? No. Am I going to be rid of my negative thinking forever? Of course not, don't be stupid. I'm human. But I am going to be able to give myself that hypothetical kick in the ass. (Hypothetical, because really, who can bend like that? Seriously!)
I look damn good. I feel damn good. I am my own idea of beauty today. It's a good change.
Why should I let someone else tell me if I am beautiful or not. If I think it is so, then it is. According to some ancient "wisdom", Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Pardon my language, but I call bullshit. People have been telling us what beautiful is for centuries. No wonder the human race is so screwed up.
Every person on this planet would grow up with a healthy idea of what they, themselves think of beauty, if society would not interfere. I truly believe this. No one telling you what they think of so and so, and how about that person over there? No more magazines saying, wow, look, this celebrity got fat, and this one lost too much weight. Personally, if we would stay out of their lives, I think Hollywood would be that much healthier in terms of body image.
But forget about Hollywood. Forget about the media. Let's talk about me. (I wanna talk about me, wanna talk about, I wanna talk about #1, oh my me my - Sorry, could not resist the Toby Keith reference. Funny guy) I have a low self image on most days. I worry about what people think of me in this shirt, what about that skirt, can I hide my little tummy? What about my legs? How much of them can I show? All that kind of crap. And that's really all it is. Crap. Bull shit. Worth nothing!
I used to cover up everything. No sleeves shorter than 3/4, no shorts, capris had to reach at least mid-calf. A couple of weeks ago, my mom came to visit me. She is a short, loving, awesome, somewhat round person. (I look like her, only 6 inches taller...I'm a little more spread out.) She was wearing shorts, and a tank top. Nothing really skimpy, we don't really go for that, thick straps are the thing. (Plus we need to cover up the monstrous straps to the major support bras holding up our "girls".) Anyway, back to the point. She looked nice. She always looks nice. Clean, neat, tanned from being outside all the time. Her arms were showing, and so were her legs. She doesn't care. My dad doesn't care, he still loves her. None of us kids ever cared, and I don't remember any of our friends ever commenting, "Wow, your mom should not wear shorts." No one. She does not even think it herself. So why did I think it of myself? Mental defect from years of self punishment, I guess.
So I started wearing sleeveless tops. Pretty much every day, actually. (You should see how tanned my arms are getting!) I have one pair of shorts, that I wear around the yard...I would wear them in public, but they are kind of ripped in a lot of places, and look a little like Daisy Dukes. Of course, I don't look like Daisy Duke in them, but that's besides the point. I have a pair of shorts, and I wear them. I have been looking for more shorts, not that I have had much time to shop, and while I am no longer afraid of my legs, I don't really want them to look like sausages. I may had gotten a little sidetracked again, but the point is this: I am showing a little skin, and I am not afraid of it! I don't feel ugly, I don't feel fat. I feel good.
I may not be a size 2, or even a size 12, but hey, I feel pretty damn good. I look pretty damn good. And nothing has changed. I am still the same size as last summer. Apparently, it was all in my head. Does this suprise me? No. Am I going to be rid of my negative thinking forever? Of course not, don't be stupid. I'm human. But I am going to be able to give myself that hypothetical kick in the ass. (Hypothetical, because really, who can bend like that? Seriously!)
I look damn good. I feel damn good. I am my own idea of beauty today. It's a good change.
At July 07, 2006 2:37 PM,
S* said…
Rock on, Laura! It's all about lovin' what you've got.
At July 07, 2006 4:56 PM,
life's a dream said…
Laura, that's wonderful!
That's the attitude we should all have!
Good for you! :)
At July 07, 2006 9:32 PM,
Shantelle said…
Good girl Laura. Wish I could do that . Let me know how kay!
At July 08, 2006 7:14 PM,
Laura said…
I have no idea how it came about. It was a gradual process really. Nothing major, just slowly getting away from the thinking that has paralyzed me since Jr. High.
I like me right now. I like being me. It's pretty awesome.
At July 09, 2006 11:18 AM,
Anthony said…
Laura, I think you're beautiful.
Your perspective on life is wonderful. I say you and I make babies so we may spread our outlook on the world quicker.
At July 09, 2006 12:04 PM,
Laura said…
Are you sure about that?
At July 09, 2006 4:22 PM,
Anthony said…
Chez moi, maintenant.
At July 10, 2006 8:16 AM,
S* said…
Ooohhhh! Antoine and Laura babies! They'd be so damn....sweet. :)
At July 10, 2006 10:17 AM,
Laura said…
Oh, this is the most awesome comment section ever.
Voulez-vous coucher avec moi? Chez toi? Maintenant? Mais oui monsieur! Ooh, ma port-de-monie est vide...
:( No money for the flight.
A la téléphone?
Oh wait. No babies then... Best start saing my pennies.
LOL! ROTFLMAO!! Oops. My boss is looking at me funny. Oh well, can't help it. It is too darn funny!
At July 10, 2006 11:34 AM,
Anthony said…
Remember, we're doing this for humanity and not for our own pleasure. Let us be professional about this, Laura!
I swear I will get no enjoyment out of having babies with you. Promise!
At July 10, 2006 2:41 PM,
Laura said…
Of course. All in the sake of furthering the intelligence and intellect of humanity.
I can be professional, I swear.
Except for the part where I break out in uncontrollable giggles, and everyone looks at me like I have gone crazy...
No enjoyment, hmm? You promise? We shall have to see about that...
What do I get if you break your promise...other than beautiful, world-serving & changing babies?
At July 10, 2006 2:41 PM,
Laura said…
Goodness, I am going to get fired for laughing too hard at my desk, and not be able to share what I am laughing about....
At July 10, 2006 2:56 PM,
S* said…
Oh don't be shy, Laura! Spread the word around your office. You're about to be impregnated via cyberspace (no pleasure involved whatsoever) so that you can give birth to uber-nice cyber babies.
At July 10, 2006 3:22 PM,
Anthony said…
If you break your promise you shall get the necklace of dishonour which you shall hang over your head for many years.
Thus, it is imperative that you take this seriously. The entire human race depends on it!
Let's aim for 2 babies a year. Sounds good?
At July 10, 2006 3:25 PM,
Anthony said…
And if I break my promise, well, you still wear the necklace.
At July 10, 2006 4:33 PM,
Laura said…
I did not make a promise, you did... or did I? I am confused....
But of course I take this seriously, after all, as you said, the entire human race is dependant on us.
2 babies a year? Are you kidding? What am I, a baby machine? And you say you will get no enjoyment out of it. Ha! 2 babies a year, that's a lot of chez-toi sessions. No enjoyment. Pshaw. I think just for that you can wear your smelly necklace. But you have to take it off for the aforementioned sessions.
:) Good greif this is getting silly.
And to think, it all started out with "I say you and I make babies so we may spread our outlook on the world quicker."
Which I still agree with by the way.
At July 10, 2006 7:31 PM,
Anthony said…
I heart you Laura.
At July 12, 2006 8:26 AM,
Lyrically speaking said…
Laura it seems like you have come a looooooooooonnng way and you are making progress, keep your head up and make yourself happy. I also lack self-esteem and a lot of times I find myself battling with my demons, not wanting to hang out with friends because I feel fat and unattractive and wanting to hide away from society. I don't know where it came from, I was never this way in my twenties. Now all I want to do is hide and I'm even looking forward to winter, to wear the jackets and sweaters again, weird, huh? Thanks for this post, now I see i'm not the only one that goes through these tough times.
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