Me, Myself, and Whatever

Just random thoughts about me and my life...

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Should I feel bad?

Last night was not quite my best night ever. I went straight to work from work, as usual. Only thing is, everyone at the movie store was quite grouchy. The first thing that I heard when I got there was a litany of my incompetence according to the assistant manager. She, being newly promoted, was just on a power trip, I'm sure. However... I'm not one to take unfounded criticism well.

I should learn to smile, nod, and keep my big mouth shut. Instead, my brain cannot seem to stop the synapses from firing, and the verbal diarrhea from coming out of my mouth. Last week had been one of our busiest weeks (kids just out of school for the summer, and all that), I had a broken arm (cut me a little slack for that one?), I was training someone new (still being new myself). To me, these are reasonable reasons for the minor (and I do mean minor) things that had happened last week.

She, of course, immediately went on the offensive, and told me that she could put me on a RAD (something to do with disciplining...) for even saying anything. I turned around, and walked away. Perhaps not the smartest thing one could do, you might be thinking. At that moment, however, I had no other options. If I had not, I have a very strong feeling I would have been fired on the spot.

I'm tired. I work 3 jobs, and I nearly quit last night, due to a few people with attitude problems from lack of sleep (myself included). I was so close to telling her where to go and how to get there. And then walk out. Well, at least, knowingly remove myself from the option of ever working there again. I'm still debating on whether or not I even want to show up for work tonight.

Suprisingly, I really don't give a damn. I always work hard, and I feel horrible when I am not giving 100% on the job. I hate the idea of someone thinking I am a poor employee. I know my worth in the workplace, and damn, I'm good. But apparently good is not good enough, and I am already too overworked to try and put anymore effort into it. The sad thing is that my other jobs are suffering because of the movie store. Which could very well be the reason that I could care less if I never showed up for work again.

So should I feel bad? Maybe. But I really don't.


  • At July 12, 2006 8:22 AM, Blogger Lyrically speaking said…

    I don't think you should feel bad, girl you have three jobs? Now that's discipline and you have the energy to deal with everyday crap and wonder if you should feel bad? Hell no, lol, great post. You need a nice vacation.

  • At July 12, 2006 9:06 AM, Blogger Laura said…

    Hi! Glad you are here at my blog! Yep, 3 jobs. It can get pretty stressful.

    I did not quit last night. I did show up for work. And I am going to work today.

    However, I did put in my 2 weeks notice. No more exhaustion 24-7. I am starting to get this really awful cold, and that is my body's way of telling me that enough is enough. And I am listening. I always said that if it got to be too much, I would quit. So now I have.

    And I'm ridiculously excited about it.

  • At July 12, 2006 9:53 AM, Blogger S* said…

    Good for you, Laura! It's so important to listen to your inner voice and take care of yourself. Better to head off the burn out before it gets too bad. I, too, have done the mult-job thing and sometimes working customer service can be the worst thing when you're overworked and tired. Plus, incompetent managers don't help either.

  • At July 12, 2006 12:56 PM, Blogger Laura said…


    How very true! People on power trips annoy me.


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