StOp MoViNg ThE eNdS! ! !
So here I am again, sorry about the absence guys. Been busy. But I should never be too busy to talk (post, whatever) to my friends. And Jo, I'm so sorry I did not get to see you this weekend. Where were you? I tried to call (your phone does not work, and no one answered at your mom's) I wanted to see you and hang out with you :( We shall have to make some arrangements beforehand the next time. And you better get your phone fixed! :)
Anyway... so I've been thinking. Yes, a dangerous thing, I know. I was thinking that I should work more. I don't really want to, after all, who likes to work, right? But I have this problem. I have debts. I don't like them, and I don't want them. I want to go to school and become a nurse. Thing is, this costs money. Lots and lots of money. *Sigh*. I don't want to do it until I am a little more financially secure, seeing as how I will be taking out another loan when I do go back to school. Again, *sigh*. I think that once you are out of high school, and start continuing on, you will never be debt free again. Its like a saying that is on my coffee (okay, okay, hot chocolate, I don't like coffee) mug at work. "Everytime I think I can finally make ends meet, somebody moves the ends." And right now, thats exactly how I feel. At this very moment, I have $12.15 in my wallet. I get $200 on Friday, but that has to right away pay bills. And then I get a regular paycheck at the end of the month, but still, thats for rent and food. So stretching everything is going to be Laura's magic trick for this month. And the next one, and then next one, and.... well you get the picture. I am already working two jobs. My regular 8:30-5 Mon thru Fri, and one weekend a month (24 hour care) for a handicapped lady. So now, I think I will have to sign up for a third job, and work that much more. I hate this feeling. And I hate not being able to have a little extra. Oh, crap. I just remembered that I need to renew the registration on my car this month. Well, so much for that. My whole budget just went down the toilet. *sigh*
So there is my self pity rant for you. I have not done one in a while, and I know you all probably don't want to hear it, but there it is. Sorry about that guys. I needed to get that off my (rather ample) chest. Sorry Jo, could not resist. *giggle* Anyways, hope all y'all had a good easter, and (hopefully) some time off to recharge. Thanks for everything!
Anyway... so I've been thinking. Yes, a dangerous thing, I know. I was thinking that I should work more. I don't really want to, after all, who likes to work, right? But I have this problem. I have debts. I don't like them, and I don't want them. I want to go to school and become a nurse. Thing is, this costs money. Lots and lots of money. *Sigh*. I don't want to do it until I am a little more financially secure, seeing as how I will be taking out another loan when I do go back to school. Again, *sigh*. I think that once you are out of high school, and start continuing on, you will never be debt free again. Its like a saying that is on my coffee (okay, okay, hot chocolate, I don't like coffee) mug at work. "Everytime I think I can finally make ends meet, somebody moves the ends." And right now, thats exactly how I feel. At this very moment, I have $12.15 in my wallet. I get $200 on Friday, but that has to right away pay bills. And then I get a regular paycheck at the end of the month, but still, thats for rent and food. So stretching everything is going to be Laura's magic trick for this month. And the next one, and then next one, and.... well you get the picture. I am already working two jobs. My regular 8:30-5 Mon thru Fri, and one weekend a month (24 hour care) for a handicapped lady. So now, I think I will have to sign up for a third job, and work that much more. I hate this feeling. And I hate not being able to have a little extra. Oh, crap. I just remembered that I need to renew the registration on my car this month. Well, so much for that. My whole budget just went down the toilet. *sigh*
So there is my self pity rant for you. I have not done one in a while, and I know you all probably don't want to hear it, but there it is. Sorry about that guys. I needed to get that off my (rather ample) chest. Sorry Jo, could not resist. *giggle* Anyways, hope all y'all had a good easter, and (hopefully) some time off to recharge. Thanks for everything!
At April 18, 2006 10:17 PM,
life's a dream said…
I know... I'm broke too. Doesn't it suck? I think we should make a pact about the lottery... if we win, we share. Let's start buying tickets.
At April 19, 2006 9:04 AM,
Laura said…
Okay. Which one, and when are we buying?
At April 25, 2006 10:00 AM,
Anthony said…
The masses want an update.
They're getting rowdy.
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