Hey all, here I am again.
And they all, screaming at the top of their lungs, head for the hills!
Just kidding. Anyway. I had a few lovely days off. Aside from the horrifying, shit-my-pants-in-terror math test that I had to write, it was wonderul.
I took a leisurely drive down home (and by leisurely, I mean driving faster and faster to see if I can beat the last trip's time...) that was Friday night. I also got to visit with my wonderful friend Hales Friday night as well. We had a wonderful talk, and I think life is good on both fronts for both of us, after a bit of a shaky patch for me, and a short hell-on-earth for her. I'm so glad we got to catch up, and I can't wait until we can hang out more than once every 2 months or so. Oh well. Soon enough I suppose.
Saturday morning, I took my little sister and her friend with me to visit one of the ladies I used to work with. We had a great time, just sitting on her patio, chatting, and somehow ending up in a water fight. Which was much appreciated, since it was some 30+ degrees outside. From there, we headed to the mall, where I bought a couple of t-shirts, and of course, lunch for all three of us, my treat. (Like 15 year old girls have any money, let's face it.) Saturday afternoon, I studied for that horrid math test with my brother. He is smarter than he gives himself credit for. My mom and I went shopping (just a quick jaunt into town). I had to buy a new bathing suit. Goodness! There is nothing worse than having to do that, especially when it is busy. I swear, they design dressing room mirrors to give you the worst possible view of yourself. Harsh lighting, atrocious wall color, and last but not least, mirrors that dont forgive any flaw. (I much prefer my mirror at home. It is forgiving!) Oh well. I did buy one. Still not entirely sure that I like it, but hey, such is life right?
Sunday I went to church with my family (it felt like forever since I had been to church, eh hem). Did absolutely nothing but laze around until after supper. I helped them all pack up the camper, so they could leave for camping. I, of course, had to stay behind, and face the malicious math monster on my own. Yikes!
Monday morning, I drove to the college, and prepped myself. Mainly, had a cigarette, took deep breaths, and tried really hard not to wet myself. I went into the testing center, presented my ID, and was given a short 20 question "locator" test. Locate what? My brain? I can tell you right now, it's not here. It deserted me some time over night. Probably went for the hunk in my dream and left me here alone to face this. Then they gave me a 54 question, multiple choice nightmare. I was not sure how I did, and I will find out Friday at lunchtime. Good grief, how do they expect you to wait that long? Seriously.
Anyway. After the math test, I drove out to the campground, and spent the next 3 days doing nothing but eating, sleeping, playing with my nephews and adopted neices and nephews, reading books, playing card games, and in general having a wonderful time! Relax, relax, relax. It was fabulous. I cried when I left. It was serious heartbreak. I did not want to come home and get back to work. But oh well. Here I am. And much better off now that I had a bit of a break!
Edit! This post did not post right away when it was supposed to. Stupid blogger. I started writing this last Thursay morning, it now being Monday. Oh well, at least it did not eat my post. That would have bit the big one!
And they all, screaming at the top of their lungs, head for the hills!
Just kidding. Anyway. I had a few lovely days off. Aside from the horrifying, shit-my-pants-in-terror math test that I had to write, it was wonderul.
I took a leisurely drive down home (and by leisurely, I mean driving faster and faster to see if I can beat the last trip's time...) that was Friday night. I also got to visit with my wonderful friend Hales Friday night as well. We had a wonderful talk, and I think life is good on both fronts for both of us, after a bit of a shaky patch for me, and a short hell-on-earth for her. I'm so glad we got to catch up, and I can't wait until we can hang out more than once every 2 months or so. Oh well. Soon enough I suppose.
Saturday morning, I took my little sister and her friend with me to visit one of the ladies I used to work with. We had a great time, just sitting on her patio, chatting, and somehow ending up in a water fight. Which was much appreciated, since it was some 30+ degrees outside. From there, we headed to the mall, where I bought a couple of t-shirts, and of course, lunch for all three of us, my treat. (Like 15 year old girls have any money, let's face it.) Saturday afternoon, I studied for that horrid math test with my brother. He is smarter than he gives himself credit for. My mom and I went shopping (just a quick jaunt into town). I had to buy a new bathing suit. Goodness! There is nothing worse than having to do that, especially when it is busy. I swear, they design dressing room mirrors to give you the worst possible view of yourself. Harsh lighting, atrocious wall color, and last but not least, mirrors that dont forgive any flaw. (I much prefer my mirror at home. It is forgiving!) Oh well. I did buy one. Still not entirely sure that I like it, but hey, such is life right?
Sunday I went to church with my family (it felt like forever since I had been to church, eh hem). Did absolutely nothing but laze around until after supper. I helped them all pack up the camper, so they could leave for camping. I, of course, had to stay behind, and face the malicious math monster on my own. Yikes!
Monday morning, I drove to the college, and prepped myself. Mainly, had a cigarette, took deep breaths, and tried really hard not to wet myself. I went into the testing center, presented my ID, and was given a short 20 question "locator" test. Locate what? My brain? I can tell you right now, it's not here. It deserted me some time over night. Probably went for the hunk in my dream and left me here alone to face this. Then they gave me a 54 question, multiple choice nightmare. I was not sure how I did, and I will find out Friday at lunchtime. Good grief, how do they expect you to wait that long? Seriously.
Anyway. After the math test, I drove out to the campground, and spent the next 3 days doing nothing but eating, sleeping, playing with my nephews and adopted neices and nephews, reading books, playing card games, and in general having a wonderful time! Relax, relax, relax. It was fabulous. I cried when I left. It was serious heartbreak. I did not want to come home and get back to work. But oh well. Here I am. And much better off now that I had a bit of a break!
Edit! This post did not post right away when it was supposed to. Stupid blogger. I started writing this last Thursay morning, it now being Monday. Oh well, at least it did not eat my post. That would have bit the big one!
At July 24, 2006 12:28 PM,
S* said…
We missed you 'round these parts! I'm glad you had a good time with your family. I even felt relaxed just reading about it (except for the math part...I suck at math).
Oh, and Blogger blows!
At July 24, 2006 12:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
Good luck with your math test results!!
At July 24, 2006 4:07 PM,
Laura said…
Hey guys! I missed everyone too! And blogger does blow. Took me all f*ckin weekend to get the stupid post up.
BTW - Math test - results are in!
I have to take not one, not two, but THREE math courses.
I performed with in the expected range, considering how long I have been out of high school. Most people have to repeat the level that they completed last.
So that would be math 11 (dumb). I told the wonderfully pleasant and smart student adviser (sarcasm anyone?) that if I had to take 2 bloody math courses, I was going to do it the normal way. Math 10 (smart) math 11 (smart) and math 12 (smart). Smart, right? Dumb broad had no idea what I was talking about. Had to explain it to her 3 times. But now she has it. It's like training a dog. Good grief. Thank goodness I don't have to deal with student advisers often. I'm smart enough to figure most things out on my own.
Just wait until I tell you all about the duck! But that's a story for tomorrow.
Oh, and my drunken disaster (FIRST EVER! Oh god, I'm so ashamed!)
As I said. Thats for tomorrow. I hate blogger too much right now to bother.
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