Life is crazy. It really is.
I had a great weekend with my handicapped lady. Last one, *sniff sniff*. We went out for supper both nights, caught a movie, and in general, just had a blast! I will miss working with her.
A friend of mine seems to have found herself a man. He is younger than her, and I'm not sure that's a good thing, but he seems to be the kind that is mature for his age, and has his head on straight. He is going to school to become a mechanic, works a lot, and he is really really nice. He treats her great, and he is wonderful to her friends (incl me! her last boyfriend hated me, and made fun of my size all the time. So glad he is not like that.) So all in all, her life is going well.
I have finally managed to get a small stockpile of boxes, and a very nice young man from the grocery store has promised to put some aside for me. Which is great. Now all I have to do is actually pack the boxes.
I think my aforementioned friend has said something to my room mate about the ass he has been, and he has been better so far. No one has said anything to me, but so far, seems to be going much better. He started a new job too, so maybe that helped.
I am kind of tired. I think I am getting a cold. Damn summer colds! Which really sucks, because this is the worst possible time for me to get sick. But hey, we all have this problem right? Hopefully lots of liquids, and sleep will solve the problem. (Only thing is how am I supposed to sleep when I am packing? Should have started earlier I guess. That's what I get for procrastinating!)
Last but not least, I have to quit smoking. I am kind of a casual smoker anyway, but my parents don't know. And, yes, I am old enough to make decisions for myself, and they will be upset but get over it. But my mom and dad have always been staunch non-smokers. They drilled it into our heads that we should never smoke. And I hate to disappoint them. I have shattered many of their illusions of perfect children (my brother more than I, but hey, someone had to start it) and I just hate the fact that they would feel inadequate as parents because I am an idiot.
So there you have it folks. Life is crazy.
But, as my good friend Antoine keeps repeating :) Everything is temporary.
Damn rights.
I had a great weekend with my handicapped lady. Last one, *sniff sniff*. We went out for supper both nights, caught a movie, and in general, just had a blast! I will miss working with her.
A friend of mine seems to have found herself a man. He is younger than her, and I'm not sure that's a good thing, but he seems to be the kind that is mature for his age, and has his head on straight. He is going to school to become a mechanic, works a lot, and he is really really nice. He treats her great, and he is wonderful to her friends (incl me! her last boyfriend hated me, and made fun of my size all the time. So glad he is not like that.) So all in all, her life is going well.
I have finally managed to get a small stockpile of boxes, and a very nice young man from the grocery store has promised to put some aside for me. Which is great. Now all I have to do is actually pack the boxes.
I think my aforementioned friend has said something to my room mate about the ass he has been, and he has been better so far. No one has said anything to me, but so far, seems to be going much better. He started a new job too, so maybe that helped.
I am kind of tired. I think I am getting a cold. Damn summer colds! Which really sucks, because this is the worst possible time for me to get sick. But hey, we all have this problem right? Hopefully lots of liquids, and sleep will solve the problem. (Only thing is how am I supposed to sleep when I am packing? Should have started earlier I guess. That's what I get for procrastinating!)
Last but not least, I have to quit smoking. I am kind of a casual smoker anyway, but my parents don't know. And, yes, I am old enough to make decisions for myself, and they will be upset but get over it. But my mom and dad have always been staunch non-smokers. They drilled it into our heads that we should never smoke. And I hate to disappoint them. I have shattered many of their illusions of perfect children (my brother more than I, but hey, someone had to start it) and I just hate the fact that they would feel inadequate as parents because I am an idiot.
So there you have it folks. Life is crazy.
But, as my good friend Antoine keeps repeating :) Everything is temporary.
Damn rights.
At August 22, 2006 7:24 AM,
S* said…
Hang in there Laura, you're almost there. See? I told you it wouldn't be so bad. And yes, everything is temporary (even though I hate-hate-hated it when Antoine would say that to me). Knowing something is temporary doesn't make it hurt less, but it gives a little hope.
And good for quitting smoking! It's just a nasty habit. Why jeopardize your health and get premature wrinkles and taste bad? Especially since you're just a casual smoker.
At August 22, 2006 9:23 AM,
Laura said…
Exactly! I never wanted to become a smoker anyway. It just sort of happened. Had a smoke when we went out with the girls, and then when I took a long drive, and it just sort of escalated from there...
I am almost there. Although that cold that I thought I was getting is here! And I am still up all night packing. Going to be an insane week!
Oh well.
At August 22, 2006 9:26 PM,
Anthony said…
Methinks you should listen more to this good friend 'antoine' you speak of.
At August 23, 2006 7:51 AM,
S* said…
I think Antoine should head over to and make a tee shirt. :P
At August 23, 2006 10:42 AM,
Laura said…
I do listen to this good friend Antoine on a regular basis...
You are just never around to see it :)
And I would wear the T-shirt!
At August 23, 2006 12:02 PM,
S* said…
Oh, I'd wear it too. And I'd buy a bunch and hand them out.
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