Drunken Disaster
As many of you know, I am not much of a drinker. But last week Saturday was an entirely different story. I have never been so drunk in my life. Not that I am proud of it, mind you, it is just how it happened.
I went to a movie with K and then headed over to Boston Pizza to meet A and her friends from Holland for drinks. They were really nice. The guy, I think his name was Rudy, had his hair in this mini mohawk kind of style. I was very much in love with his hair. Hot! He, of course, had come to visit Canada with his girlfriend, whose name escapes me. I did like her though. I think it was hard to pronounce, so it kind of went out the other ear, if you know what I mean.
I had a purple rain and a water, and was thinking about quitting when A pipes up.
"I think we should go to the bar."
We all thought this was a great idea, and so we piled into her car (well, actually her boyfriend's extra car, as hers was in the shop).
On our way there, just over half way, the car starts overheating. I have had much experience with this, as my car is a piece of shit. So we pull into a hotel parking lot, and get some water from the bathroom there. Now of course, this not being her car, we don't know how to get the hood open. Simple, you might think. All cars are the same with slight variations. Not so with this car. No. Not at all. This car is old. And broken. You need a pair of pliers to yank a wire, someone has to bang on the hood at the same time, while trying to pulll something under the hood as well. Dangerous business actually. And, of course, since you need pliers to yank the wire, there should be pliers in the car right? Since A's boyfriend knows that's the only way you can open it. No. No pliers. And of course, the hotel maintenance staff is gone for the night, and the girl behind the counter does not have a key to the maintenance room. So we have no pliers. K finds a pair of tweezers in her purse, and Rudy, by wrapping the wire around the tweezers and then pulling, manages to do his part. A and K do their part by banging and pulling the hood, to get it to open. So we pour the water in, and are on our way.
So we finally get to the bar, after 1 am already, due to the lovely car. Of course, none of us have much cash with us, so we head to the debit machine. Not working. So we walk to the gas station. Not working. Not a single debit machine in the entire freakin' city was working on a Saturday night. Something about the banks uploading their systems. What the hell!? I pull out all my money, which is about 4.25 in change. K has a 20 and change, A has a 20, and so does Rudy, along with a bunch of euros, which no one is going to take, and his girlfriend had given all her cash to Rudy before we left. So for 5 people, we have about 70 bucks. Whoopee. And they raised the drink prices again.
Never the less, we head back inside the bar, and begin to party it up. Dancing, drinking, and in general, having a blast! Seemed like every time Rudy went to get a drink, he would bring one back for all of us. (Except A, she was driving.) I think, in total, I only had 4 coolers, but at the time, it seemed like much more. Mind you, we were only in the bar for about 2 hours, so that might have had something to do with it. Now normally, I drink a lot of water when I go out, for the sole purpose of not being sick the next day. I don't know why, but I did not that night. Do I ever wish I had now!
I ended up dancing with this guy, I think I remember his name, I have seen and hung out with him before, a different time, he is dutch too, but I can't seem to remember it at the moment. Not that it really matters. We were dancing, which he was quite good at really. And then, somehow, I don't really know how, I don't remember thinking about it, or anything, we just kinda, well, ended up kissing. Right there. In the middle of the dance floor. Right in front of his friends. And mine. And the people visiting from Holland. I was embarassed. But not too embarassed. He was a damn good kisser. Anyway, his friends came to get him soon after, as they were leaving. Since it was already after last call, we decided to header too. Not that I could really walk...
I had my window open in the car, because I was starting to feel quite dizzy. But I thought I was still okay. I made it all the way to our town. And almost to my house. The block before, the dutch girl tapped A on the shoulder and said maybe she should stop, I looked like I was going to be sick. I replied, no we are almost there, I'll be okay. So she kept going. And then stopped at the four way stop 1 house down from mine, and I knew I could not wait. I opened my door, leaned out, and lost it. And lost it. And lost it. Seemed like it would never stop!
I felt better immediatly. K opened my door for me, because I did not have the hand-eye coordination left to open my own door. I stumbled down my stairs, to the bathroom, and then to bed. I thought I would pass out immediately, but it was not to be so. The room would not stop spinning, so I went and laid on my bathroom floor. Let me clarify this for you. I was hot. Like roasting hot. And the only place in my apartment that does not have carpet is the bathroom. It's lino. And it was nice and cool. I laid there for about half an hour, and then stumbled back to bed.
I woke up at 7, when my alarm went off, intended to wake me up for church. I didn't think God would appreciate me showing up in his house still drunk, so I took an advil and went back to bed, hoping to avoid a hangover. I suceeded! I can still say that I have never had a hangover. I can no longer say that I have not puked from drinking.
Although I seriously wish I could.
I was so embarassed. Hi friends. Hi friends of friend. I am really not a slut, despite making out with some random guy on the dance floor. I am not a horrible drunk, despite not being able to walk and ralphing out the side of a car. I almost wish I could erase the whole night.
But the kiss was really good.
I went to a movie with K and then headed over to Boston Pizza to meet A and her friends from Holland for drinks. They were really nice. The guy, I think his name was Rudy, had his hair in this mini mohawk kind of style. I was very much in love with his hair. Hot! He, of course, had come to visit Canada with his girlfriend, whose name escapes me. I did like her though. I think it was hard to pronounce, so it kind of went out the other ear, if you know what I mean.
I had a purple rain and a water, and was thinking about quitting when A pipes up.
"I think we should go to the bar."
We all thought this was a great idea, and so we piled into her car (well, actually her boyfriend's extra car, as hers was in the shop).
On our way there, just over half way, the car starts overheating. I have had much experience with this, as my car is a piece of shit. So we pull into a hotel parking lot, and get some water from the bathroom there. Now of course, this not being her car, we don't know how to get the hood open. Simple, you might think. All cars are the same with slight variations. Not so with this car. No. Not at all. This car is old. And broken. You need a pair of pliers to yank a wire, someone has to bang on the hood at the same time, while trying to pulll something under the hood as well. Dangerous business actually. And, of course, since you need pliers to yank the wire, there should be pliers in the car right? Since A's boyfriend knows that's the only way you can open it. No. No pliers. And of course, the hotel maintenance staff is gone for the night, and the girl behind the counter does not have a key to the maintenance room. So we have no pliers. K finds a pair of tweezers in her purse, and Rudy, by wrapping the wire around the tweezers and then pulling, manages to do his part. A and K do their part by banging and pulling the hood, to get it to open. So we pour the water in, and are on our way.
So we finally get to the bar, after 1 am already, due to the lovely car. Of course, none of us have much cash with us, so we head to the debit machine. Not working. So we walk to the gas station. Not working. Not a single debit machine in the entire freakin' city was working on a Saturday night. Something about the banks uploading their systems. What the hell!? I pull out all my money, which is about 4.25 in change. K has a 20 and change, A has a 20, and so does Rudy, along with a bunch of euros, which no one is going to take, and his girlfriend had given all her cash to Rudy before we left. So for 5 people, we have about 70 bucks. Whoopee. And they raised the drink prices again.
Never the less, we head back inside the bar, and begin to party it up. Dancing, drinking, and in general, having a blast! Seemed like every time Rudy went to get a drink, he would bring one back for all of us. (Except A, she was driving.) I think, in total, I only had 4 coolers, but at the time, it seemed like much more. Mind you, we were only in the bar for about 2 hours, so that might have had something to do with it. Now normally, I drink a lot of water when I go out, for the sole purpose of not being sick the next day. I don't know why, but I did not that night. Do I ever wish I had now!
I ended up dancing with this guy, I think I remember his name, I have seen and hung out with him before, a different time, he is dutch too, but I can't seem to remember it at the moment. Not that it really matters. We were dancing, which he was quite good at really. And then, somehow, I don't really know how, I don't remember thinking about it, or anything, we just kinda, well, ended up kissing. Right there. In the middle of the dance floor. Right in front of his friends. And mine. And the people visiting from Holland. I was embarassed. But not too embarassed. He was a damn good kisser. Anyway, his friends came to get him soon after, as they were leaving. Since it was already after last call, we decided to header too. Not that I could really walk...
I had my window open in the car, because I was starting to feel quite dizzy. But I thought I was still okay. I made it all the way to our town. And almost to my house. The block before, the dutch girl tapped A on the shoulder and said maybe she should stop, I looked like I was going to be sick. I replied, no we are almost there, I'll be okay. So she kept going. And then stopped at the four way stop 1 house down from mine, and I knew I could not wait. I opened my door, leaned out, and lost it. And lost it. And lost it. Seemed like it would never stop!
I felt better immediatly. K opened my door for me, because I did not have the hand-eye coordination left to open my own door. I stumbled down my stairs, to the bathroom, and then to bed. I thought I would pass out immediately, but it was not to be so. The room would not stop spinning, so I went and laid on my bathroom floor. Let me clarify this for you. I was hot. Like roasting hot. And the only place in my apartment that does not have carpet is the bathroom. It's lino. And it was nice and cool. I laid there for about half an hour, and then stumbled back to bed.
I woke up at 7, when my alarm went off, intended to wake me up for church. I didn't think God would appreciate me showing up in his house still drunk, so I took an advil and went back to bed, hoping to avoid a hangover. I suceeded! I can still say that I have never had a hangover. I can no longer say that I have not puked from drinking.
Although I seriously wish I could.
I was so embarassed. Hi friends. Hi friends of friend. I am really not a slut, despite making out with some random guy on the dance floor. I am not a horrible drunk, despite not being able to walk and ralphing out the side of a car. I almost wish I could erase the whole night.
But the kiss was really good.
At July 27, 2006 11:13 AM,
Anthony said…
You had fun, yes?
Methinks that's all that matters.
At July 27, 2006 4:10 PM,
Laura said…
I did have fun, so I guess it's all good in the end...
At July 28, 2006 12:21 PM,
S* said…
My sentiments exactly. Kissing a boy on the dancefloor does not make you a slut.
At July 28, 2006 2:06 PM,
Laura said…
I know it doesn't, but at the time, it felt like a very slutty thing to do. In retrospect, I very much enjoyed it. And in all likelyhood, I would do it again, if he wanted to. It was that good of a kiss...
*heartfelt sigh*
At July 28, 2006 2:31 PM,
Leila said…
coming from the perspective of a student, getting drunk and kissing random boys on random dancefloors is not a very a bnormal thing to do. not that I *ahem* do it...of course.
hehe well fun is fun, i you're safe at the end of it!
weird. this morning i didn;t know the name rudy existed. now at the end of the night i have heard it twice...
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