I'm Just Mad About Saffron
I'm just mad about Saffron
Saffron's mad about me.
I'm just mad about Saffron
She's just crazy 'bout me!
They call me Mellow Yellow
They call me Mellow Yellow
I am so mellow right now. Life is so much better right now than it has been in a long time. I am home. In a sense of familiarity and comfort. It is just awesome. I thought it might be awkward at first, you know, moving back in with my parents after living away for so long, but it has been a very smooth transition. I'm sure there will be difficult moments ahead, but for now, it is smooth sailing, and I could not be happier about that.
My car is behaving (for the most part) as long as I put radiator coolant in every other time I drive it.
I start work tomorrow. (Oh goodness. Remember how evil company *C wanted to hire me back, and I said that I would never go because they were evil-soul-sucking-corporate-vampires? Yeah them.) But it is a job that I know well and do well at, it is temporary, until I can get a job related to nursing once I have a few courses under my belt, and they are the best paying company around that will cater to student schedules.
I have a new computer that my mom and dad gave me. (Which I am working on right now!!! I even have wireless internet access, temporarily, which is sweet.) I am feeling really spoiled. My birthday gift from my mom was new school supplies, so she bought the binders, pencils, pens, ect that are the bane of every student's existence. She even bought me a new outfit, that is really cute, and I feel like a million bucks in! Like I said, spoiled!
I'm kinda waiting for the other shoe to drop, but I am so mellow right now, I want to ignore it. Maybe it's the whole, "what comes around goes around" and I took a lot of crap lately without going postal. :) Wouldn't that be a nice thought. Anyway, I am still alive, and now I can go back to regular updates. :) Happy blogging!
Saffron's mad about me.
I'm just mad about Saffron
She's just crazy 'bout me!
They call me Mellow Yellow
They call me Mellow Yellow
I am so mellow right now. Life is so much better right now than it has been in a long time. I am home. In a sense of familiarity and comfort. It is just awesome. I thought it might be awkward at first, you know, moving back in with my parents after living away for so long, but it has been a very smooth transition. I'm sure there will be difficult moments ahead, but for now, it is smooth sailing, and I could not be happier about that.
My car is behaving (for the most part) as long as I put radiator coolant in every other time I drive it.
I start work tomorrow. (Oh goodness. Remember how evil company *C wanted to hire me back, and I said that I would never go because they were evil-soul-sucking-corporate-vampires? Yeah them.) But it is a job that I know well and do well at, it is temporary, until I can get a job related to nursing once I have a few courses under my belt, and they are the best paying company around that will cater to student schedules.
I have a new computer that my mom and dad gave me. (Which I am working on right now!!! I even have wireless internet access, temporarily, which is sweet.) I am feeling really spoiled. My birthday gift from my mom was new school supplies, so she bought the binders, pencils, pens, ect that are the bane of every student's existence. She even bought me a new outfit, that is really cute, and I feel like a million bucks in! Like I said, spoiled!
I'm kinda waiting for the other shoe to drop, but I am so mellow right now, I want to ignore it. Maybe it's the whole, "what comes around goes around" and I took a lot of crap lately without going postal. :) Wouldn't that be a nice thought. Anyway, I am still alive, and now I can go back to regular updates. :) Happy blogging!
At September 04, 2006 12:34 AM,
Shantelle said…
Hey Laura. Glad to hear things are better for you. I am still around just thought Id let you know incase you cared. So you are back at *C is that how I read your blog right???? That would be cool.
At September 04, 2006 8:12 PM,
Laura said…
Of course I care Shantelle! And yep, I'm coming back to work. Should be good times.
:) :)
At September 05, 2006 11:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
Yeah for Laura. I told you things would get better. Told ya so! Told ya so!
At September 05, 2006 11:18 PM,
Laura said…
:) I know!
:) I know!
You are a smart girl-I should start calling you smartypants!
At September 05, 2006 11:44 PM,
Shantelle said…
At September 09, 2006 10:24 AM,
Anthony said…
I hope all is well with you, Laura. Isn't change a beautiful thing? The best thing about it is that it's constant too.
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