So I was watching a make-over show, one of many...sometimes I am pathetic I know! I was watching this show, and there was a "Bomb-shell coach", she was, you know, tall, blonde, and skinny. She was teaching this rather dowdy, short, asian-looking woman to be a "bombe-shell". I was totally suprised, because I thought it would be all about looks. I mean, of course, the aim of the show was to make the dowdy-ish woman look hot, but the aim of the coach was to give the woman more confidence, and I was astounded by the result. Even before the make-up and hair cut and new clothes, she was a totally different person. She had a few rules.
Rule #1: Walk tall, shoulders back, head up, lead with the hips. Walk with a purpose, you know where you are going, you are important, but not too fast.
Rule #2: Always make eye contact with people when you are talking.
Rule #3: Flirt a little.
Rule #4: Have a signature move.
So these are the rules. And they make sense. And as I was watching this show, I noticed that they were really working. She did become more confident, and it was all only in a couple of days!
The girl in the show always chewed on her lower lip. And when I say chewed, it was like she was trying to eat her face! So instead, she learned to sexily bite her lip. It was really cute!
I started to think about it. The more confident you make yourself appear on the outside, sooner or later, you start to feel more confident on the inside. Its like the people who tell the lie so often they start to believe it. I could handle more self confidence! So I started walking like a bombshell. I have noticed (and I usually don't notice these kinds of things, because I don't believe they happen to me...) that a few guys have checked me out. Hmmm. This could be a wonderful idea.
I'm not talking a whole personality change or anything, don't get me wrong! But just add a little oomph! I've got the walking part down. Eye contact has never really been a problem for me (unless the person is really creepy, then I have trouble...) The flirting I don't do much, but I can always change that. I won't be hardcore hitting on people, thats a little overboard, but a little smile and a brush of the arm never hurt anyone. Now just to think of a signature move.......
How does everyone feel about a sexy/playful (depending on who it is for) wink?
Rule #1: Walk tall, shoulders back, head up, lead with the hips. Walk with a purpose, you know where you are going, you are important, but not too fast.
Rule #2: Always make eye contact with people when you are talking.
Rule #3: Flirt a little.
Rule #4: Have a signature move.
So these are the rules. And they make sense. And as I was watching this show, I noticed that they were really working. She did become more confident, and it was all only in a couple of days!
The girl in the show always chewed on her lower lip. And when I say chewed, it was like she was trying to eat her face! So instead, she learned to sexily bite her lip. It was really cute!
I started to think about it. The more confident you make yourself appear on the outside, sooner or later, you start to feel more confident on the inside. Its like the people who tell the lie so often they start to believe it. I could handle more self confidence! So I started walking like a bombshell. I have noticed (and I usually don't notice these kinds of things, because I don't believe they happen to me...) that a few guys have checked me out. Hmmm. This could be a wonderful idea.
I'm not talking a whole personality change or anything, don't get me wrong! But just add a little oomph! I've got the walking part down. Eye contact has never really been a problem for me (unless the person is really creepy, then I have trouble...) The flirting I don't do much, but I can always change that. I won't be hardcore hitting on people, thats a little overboard, but a little smile and a brush of the arm never hurt anyone. Now just to think of a signature move.......
How does everyone feel about a sexy/playful (depending on who it is for) wink?
At May 06, 2006 12:29 AM,
Anthony said…
I'd love to get a wink!
If I did get one from a woman though, I'd probable never notice. On the train/bus I've always got my head in a book of some sort.
I'm nerdy like that.
At May 06, 2006 9:39 AM,
life's a dream said…
I think that's fabulous! You go girl. I have this whole big theory about make-overs... and this is exactly it! Damn! We are all hot. We are all bombshells! Let's act like it.
At May 06, 2006 5:01 PM,
Leila said…
You know, sounds a bit like the advice I gave myself a few months back! And it does make all the difference!!
Apart from the flirting bit though..I'm (unsuccessfully) trying to cut down on that. I can't help it though!
I must say though I have a pet peeve - girls winking at me. PLayful or no playful, that's just gross and slimy. Guys winking at me...well that's different...
At May 08, 2006 8:09 AM,
S* said…
I could never wink at a guy (unless I was tipsy). And unlike you, I do have a bit of an eye contact problem as I used to be really shy and it comes back sometimes.
I do notice though, that wearing heels or sexy shoes immediately makes me feel very "bombshell-esque". You HAVE to walk sexy in a pair of heels.
At May 08, 2006 1:50 PM,
Laura said…
S*, I absolutely agree to the heels. Makes a difference in posture too I notice.
Leila, I will never wink at you if it makes you uncomfortable. (Although the likelyhood of us ever meeting is slim...) And I think I will only be winking at people I know. Just more comfortable that way.
Kaboom is right Hales! And here I go!
*winks* heres to you Antoine. I will wink at you anytime you like. And I am a book worm too. So I miss a lot of things. Meh, the price I pay for being well literated.
At May 08, 2006 10:01 PM,
Anthony said…
You're in my record books, Laura. You're the first woman that has winked at me that I actually noticed.
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