Has anyone ever noticed how much pressure we put ourselves under? I'm feeling very stressed out today, and there is no real reason for it. It's busy at work today, but not too busy, my house is a bit of a mess, but nothing an hour would not clear up, I don't have that much money, but I get paid pretty quick here, and I should be at least caught up on all my bills. So why do I feel stressed you might ask? Well, I have formally decided to go back to school.
So can you blame me for being stressed? There is nothing more stressful financially than being a student. Unless, of course, mommy and daddy are rich, and paying for the whole thing. *Sigh* Would that not be awesome? Alas, my mommers and dad are simply middle class, well off, but not to the point of paying for a child's entire 4 years of a degree program. Never mind the fact that they have 4 children. Do it for one, do it for all. They would be working until they were 90! And thats not fair to them. They have worked hard for what they have. Seems right that I should have to work hard for what I have. Unfortunetly, no one told me just how hard that would be.
So while I am stressed out about going back to school, I am also very excited. I have always loved school (not the junior high tormenting, but the actual going-to-school-to-learn type of thing) and I am a good student. An excellent memory for facts, and a simple joy of discovery serve me well in this regard. So I am looking forward to being back in the classroom for the intellectual stimulation.
If only I had a magic wand.... Anyone want to donate to the "Send Laura Back to School Fund"?
So can you blame me for being stressed? There is nothing more stressful financially than being a student. Unless, of course, mommy and daddy are rich, and paying for the whole thing. *Sigh* Would that not be awesome? Alas, my mommers and dad are simply middle class, well off, but not to the point of paying for a child's entire 4 years of a degree program. Never mind the fact that they have 4 children. Do it for one, do it for all. They would be working until they were 90! And thats not fair to them. They have worked hard for what they have. Seems right that I should have to work hard for what I have. Unfortunetly, no one told me just how hard that would be.
So while I am stressed out about going back to school, I am also very excited. I have always loved school (not the junior high tormenting, but the actual going-to-school-to-learn type of thing) and I am a good student. An excellent memory for facts, and a simple joy of discovery serve me well in this regard. So I am looking forward to being back in the classroom for the intellectual stimulation.
If only I had a magic wand.... Anyone want to donate to the "Send Laura Back to School Fund"?
At May 08, 2006 9:59 PM,
Anthony said…
Do you take love as a donation? I have tons of that to spare.
I know how you feel. It's hard being a student. It does not help if you're like me and want to get a PhD. Nope, OSAP won't help me either. Supposedly my family makes too much to qualify, yet they make to little to actually GIVE ME any help.. odd, no?
Keep strong. Know that nothing lasts forever and eventually you'll accomplish all you wish to.
At May 09, 2006 11:11 AM,
S* said…
You could always be a stripper for a while ;) (let's a BIG wink by the way). I put myself through school and I know you can do it. It'll be hard juggling school and work, but actually, the really hard part is when the student loans go into repayment. Now that's a bitch!
At May 09, 2006 1:10 PM,
Laura said…
Thanks guys! I know it will be a pain in the ass getting through this, but it will soooo be worth it! Love definitly counts as a donation, because it will get me through the "I-can't-believe-I'm-still-at-work" moments. Stripperdom here I come. Oh dear, I don't suppose they accept chubby-tubbies? No, oh well, sigh, my stripper career is over before it started. *giggles* Frickin hilarious!
At May 09, 2006 11:23 PM,
life's a dream said…
we're so hard on ourselves.. we all just need to lighten up. Gravity pushes on us enough as it is.
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