Blogging and School
For some reason I always thought that I would have more time to blog while I was in school. But then you start school, and you work while you are in school, and in your free time you are cleaning and doing laundry. I always loved blogging. Random thoughts at random times, you can post whatever you want whenever you want. Somehow that has all fallen by the wayside. But For some reason I am excited to start again. I should be studying right now. I have 2 more final exams to write. I suppose you could call this a short study break. In any case, I think I will start blogging again. Just as an outlet. A way to get my thoughts out of my head, and into some form that makes it easier to mull over. An online journal, if you will. Seems kind of strange to have a blog instead of a journal, but for me it seems to work better. Or it did when I actually made the time for it. Perhaps I can again.
Here's hoping.
Here's hoping.
At September 16, 2008 5:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
glad to see you're blogging again Laura
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