Me, Myself, and Whatever

Just random thoughts about me and my life...

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


So here we are. Another day, but the same routine. Why? Why is it always the same? I am tired of doing the same thing every day. I want something new. Something different. Something that I have never done before. And I want it now! Demanding aren't I. I just want to have a life. A more interesting life than what I have now. All I do is go to work, work, and then go home. I eat, watch a movie, and then go to bed. How sad is that? I suppose it is also partly because I am sick. When you don't feel good, it is hard to find any energy for anything. I will get there. And I will get that life!

Friday, February 24, 2006

TiMe fLiEs

Time is never still, always moving, always changing everything.
Nothing ever stays the same, and that is good.
Sometimes it is hard, because you just want to capture a moment
for a little longer.
Hold it close to you, and see that image in your mind for a while.
Or feel that emotion, and let it take you over just a little more.
Can't time just leave time for that one precious moment?
That period of time that we want to savour?
Please, just let it be, let it live.
I guess it does, in our hearts.
As something time can never steal away.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

The Age of Machines.

Have you ever noticed how dependant we are on machines? We need them to help make our breakfast in the morning, to get to work, and to complete almost every task we do at work. And, not only that, if one goes down, heaven forbid!! We cannot get any work done. At this very moment, it is the photocopier/fax machine. ARG! Can't get any faxes. It has seriously interupted our flow of information. At this office, without a fax machine, we are completely crippled! Missed information, people freaking out, my goodness me! No copying, which means half of my work cannot be done. What a horrible start to what seemed like such a promising day. Good hair, makeup looks awesome! Even my clothes seemed to work. And then this. My goodness. Well, the guy is here to fix it now, so hopefully all goes well. This age of machines sucks! We used to be able to get along with out them. I think we were better off sometimes. And then I remember the invention of indoor plumbing and flush toilets......

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Love Drunk

Love Drunk.
What a strange phrase.
But at the same time, so appropriate.
When we are in love, we are giddy, happy, a little dizzy, and want to dance.
But at the same time, it can make you act strange, it can make you hurt people you love, it can even make you sick.
With all the pros and cons, how can you decide.
Do I dare?
Is it something I can handle?
Do I want that to be a part of my life?
At the same time, how can I not?
I'm not whole without it!
I hate that other people have it and I don't.
I want to be love drunk.
I hate the idea of it.
It tears me apart on the inside.
Why can't it just happen?
Why do I want it to happen?
Love Drunk. Hah! Stupid Cupid.
I hate this.
I love this.
Why can't I just make up my damned mind?
Because I might as well be Love drunk.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


So there has been awhile since my last post. Sorry about that guys! Here it is. I feel sooo good! I feel like my weekend has totally refreshed me, and I am so ready to face the next challenge. Whatever that may be. I came home to a clean house, a clean room, and a few improvements. There are a few new shelves, which means less counter clutter, which is awesome! I am also feeling better, little less of a cold, which is great! I've been invited to visit some cousins in Edmonton next weekend, which is also very cool. All in all, life is very good!