Me, Myself, and Whatever

Just random thoughts about me and my life...

Sunday, January 21, 2007


You know, I think it has finally hit me. My family is leaving. My mom, my dad, and my little sister are going to be about a 28 hour drive away from me. I don't know how well I am really going to handle this. You know how right before you cry, you get this hard lump in your throat, and it feels like you can't breathe for a minute? That's how I feel now. And I don't know that it will go away anytime soon. Lately my mom has been my total support team. If I have a bad day at work, or I am worried about school, she is the one who reassures me that I can make it. She makes sure that I eat right, that I have gas in my car, and that I know that I am loved. My dad is gruff, and sometimes it seems like he doesn't really care, but my mom told me that he wanted to pay my tuition for this semester because he is so proud of what I am trying to do. Sometimes if he knows I am not in the greatest mood, he will come and find me and just give me this great big bear hug, just because. My baby sister is sometimes annoying, borrows my stuff, and does not put it back, but she is so sweet when she knows I am sick. She will make me tea, and just lay down with me for a while to make me feel better. She tells me about the crushes that she has on the boys, and cries to me when she has a bad day. And this is the last whole day that I get to have with them. I have school and work tomorrow, and work on Tuesday, and then they leave first thing Wednesday morning. I have homework that is not finished, boxes to move, and here I sit. Everyone is taking a well deserved nap before church, and I am trying to do homework, but all I and do is sit here and cry. So much for waterproof mascara.

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Tuesday, January 09, 2007


So here it is. My second ever photo radar ticket. $203 freaking dollars. That I really don't have. I swear that it is not a school or a playground zone. They can kiss my butt. And my money. Sigh.

I guess that'll teach me.


Saturday, January 06, 2007

To Miss, and Not to Miss

So my parents are moving. To the States. About a 28 hour drive away from here. I'm gonna miss them like crazy. Especially my mom. She and I seem to have gotten closer since I moved away and came back. I will miss my dad too, and my little sister. A lot. I'm sure I will phone them every once in a long while, bawling. I miss you guys. When will I see you again?

But right now, I'm kinda just waiting for them to leave. My dad is really stressed out over all this moving stuff, and he is nearly impossible to live with. My family is not really all that neat and organized, and their crap can be all over the place. But if any of my stuff is out, heaven forbid! It ends up in a box on the deck, or on my bed when I come home at night, or in a box by the garbage. It is very frustrating. And none of this is big things either. For example, my sister and a couple of her friends watched a movie of mine on the upstairs tv, and left it there. I found it on top of the garbage can lid when I got home. Will you put your stuff away? Never mind the fact that I did not bring it up there. And I bought a new textbook for one of my classes, and had to leave for work right after I got home, so the textbook was in the bag on the kitchen table. Rather than stick inside my bedroom door, or somewhere else out of the way, I found it tossed down the stairs. I was more than a little ticked about that one. Extremely upset is more like it. I found out that it was my little sis, and she got shit for it from my mom, but wow, was I ever fuming.

So I am kinda already missing them because I know they are leaving, and it means that I will not get to see them nearly as often as I do now. But somehow that is kind of a good thing. If I had to live with them too much longer, I think I would go insane.

I will miss them like crazy once they leave, but right now, not so much.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Happy Birthday to This!!!

Happy Birthday to my blog! It is one year old today!

Whoo hoo!


Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Exciting, I know....

Hey guys.

My blogging skills have been atrocious lately, and there is no excuse. Five minutes every couple of days is not too big a thing to ask. At least in my opinion.

So anyway, my parents are getting ready to move to the States, and they are getting rid of all kinds of things. (Which is how I got this computer...) As one of the things they are getting rid of, and by getting rid of, I mean, seeing which one of their kids wants it, I have a new DIGITAL CAMERA!!! So excited. Should not be so much, but I am really, lets face it.

So as my first picture taken with my own camera on my own blog, I present to you,

My Tattoo. (Drew it myself too :)
