Me, Myself, and Whatever

Just random thoughts about me and my life...

Monday, November 20, 2006

Wanna get Kicked Outta Chapters?

About a week ago, I met my friend *A at Starbucks for coffee. We wanted to have a chance to get together and catch up. We chatted for about an hour, about everything and nothing. Sounds normal right? Yeah, it was, except I have not seen her for about a year... Sigh. But it was great. You know how you just have some friends that you can pick up right where you left off, and there is no hard feelings? It was like that. Always has been. I loved it. Every minute of it. Anyway, we both still had some time to kill, and you can only sit on the metal Starbucks chairs for so long before your ass goes numb.

The Starbucks that we were in just so happens to be a attached to Chapters. We decided to take a gander through the books, looking for potential Christmas gifts, and somehow we ended up strolling through the 'self-help' section, which bordered the 'sexuality' section. The stroll abrubtly ended right in front of those shelves, as a few titles caught the eye. There were just so many books that brought about extreme fits of the giggles! Just imagine two modest, sexually inexperienced, good Christian girls dying of laughter because of the book titles. "The Pop of Book of Sex" and "You and the Kama Sutra, How to Make it Work" and my favorite: "DICK - A User's Manual". Of course that one brought out the strongest reaction! A* and I were almost rolling around on the floor. Or at least laughing so hard we were stumbling into the nearby shelves. Uncontrollably laughing. And so loud, everyone was looking at us. But still unable to stop.

We were approached by a young man, a Chapters employee, who looked like he had been told to go and assess the situation, and he wanted to be anywhere but there. He took a few tentative steps toward us, and then just stopped and stared. I saw him, she didn't. I tried to get myself under control. Just as soon as I had stopped laughing, she would have a new fit of giggles, and it just spread. Then she would be done, and I would start again. The young man turned around, shook his head, and left.

Once we had ourselves under control, we took our selections to the front, and paid. That same young man was standing in a corner of the checkout counter, speaking with an older woman who I'm sure was his supervisor. She was shaking her head, and he turned, pointed at us, and walked away from her. I'm sure that had we not left the store on our own, we would have been asked to leave...

But I had fun, so did A*, and I'm sorry, but the self help and sexuality sections should never be beside each other. I have no doubt that it will happen again, to someone else. *Giggle*

Monday, November 13, 2006


Wow. Apparently it has been a very long while since I have updated my blog. Over a month. Sad sad. I definitly need to do this more. Sorry guys. Anywho... so my house is sold. Or rather, my parents' house is sold. Yikes. Although I am okay with it, because my dad has been slightly testy lately, because he is a little stressed, and now he can relax, so that will be nice. But now the thing is, we have to pack. I hate packing and moving. Hate it, hate it, hate it. Even though all of my stuff is still packed.... and in storage.... you all know who will end up getting asked to 'help' and then everyone else finds other things they need to be doing. And you-know-who ends up packing all by her damn self. Yay. I can hear it now. Everyone is saying, "Suck it up Laura. Your parents are moving 28 hours away from you. You should be happy to do this for them." I am. No really. I am happy that they get this chance in a lifetime. And that I can actually do something to help. HELP being the key word. Not do it for them. Help them. So long as it turns out that way, it's fine. But somehow I am not so sure that its going to happen that way. Oh well. Enough whining from me. Seems like sometimes that is all I do on my blog, and I'm sorry. :) I promise to write something nice a little later today, but I am babysitting, and my nephew is crying. Out!