Me, Myself, and Whatever

Just random thoughts about me and my life...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I am not one who likes studying for exams. Although I suppose there are few out there that actually do... Seriously though, exams were originally intended for one purpose. Learning. So you would think that perhaps writing an exam, studying again, and writing it again would prove to be more helpful to students than just exam after exam. Not only that, but what about those people with exam anxiety? Students who are brilliant, know the information well, inside and out, but when they are faced with the pressure of actually writing, go blank. Not nice. At all... But in reality I suppose exams are part of life. Testing to see what you actually know. If you think about it, would you want a doctor who graduated last in his class? Um. I'd rather have the guy who graduated first in his class. Then I know he knows what he is doing, and is not just randomly messing with patients. But still. Exams suck.


Monday, April 21, 2008

Blogging and School

For some reason I always thought that I would have more time to blog while I was in school. But then you start school, and you work while you are in school, and in your free time you are cleaning and doing laundry. I always loved blogging. Random thoughts at random times, you can post whatever you want whenever you want. Somehow that has all fallen by the wayside. But For some reason I am excited to start again. I should be studying right now. I have 2 more final exams to write. I suppose you could call this a short study break. In any case, I think I will start blogging again. Just as an outlet. A way to get my thoughts out of my head, and into some form that makes it easier to mull over. An online journal, if you will. Seems kind of strange to have a blog instead of a journal, but for me it seems to work better. Or it did when I actually made the time for it. Perhaps I can again.

Here's hoping.

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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Ha - And Again Today...

So lately, part of why I have not been posting, is that I am all about crochet. I love to crochet. There is something so satisfying about taking a peice of string and turning it into a beautiful blanket. Since December, I have completed 6 projects. And of course, started an infinite number more... What can I say, I am a crafty person who procrastinates. So I start things, and never finish them. But I wanted to show you all the first one that I completed. I made this blanket for myself, and I love it. Tell me what you think!

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So Ashamed

Hello to all of you out there, who may or may not have been waiting for me to post to my blog. I am really sorry. 2 months without a post. I guess almost 3 really. Who would have believed that I am so lazy? Well, anyway, life continues on in my sad little world. I did go an see my parents for 2 weeks in May. After that I went back to work, which I still hate, but hey, it pays the bills. And I am getting my tuition reimbursement, which will pay off the rest of my next semester in full, so I really can't complain. Other than that, I went camping for a couple of days, moved into my basement suite officially, still no boyfriend, and that's about it. I promise to be more faithful with my blogging, as I have missed the satisfaction it always gave me, so I am back, to anyone who cares, and I promise to post!

p.s. That math course that I was worried about? Yeah, A- in that one too! Rock on!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Can't Wait!

So here we are again.

I have passed my Chem course with an 87%, which is an A-. Not too shabby for missing about 5 weeks of classes. I am still waiting for my math mark, but I know it will be over 50%, which at this point, is good enough for me. I can still ace my next Chem course and boost my average. So in the fall I will take some of the nursing electives, seeing as how they declined to let me in right away. Mind you, I do still have one more pre-requisite to finish before I officially qualify, so I suppose it is understandable. I am thinking I would like to take Sociology, Psychology, and English 1900. I think that some are only offered in some semesters, so I know that Psych and English are offered in one semester, but Ethics is as well, so I could probably go for that one too. I should make an appointment with an Academic Advisor, but that can wait until I come back.

And on that note...I'M SO EXCITED! I leave the day after tomorrow. I have a 3 hour flight. (Only the 3rd time ever on a plane. Once to Europe, once back, and now this.) Then I get to spend almost 2 full weeks in the Chicago area with my parents, and come back via train. Talk about a life experience. And for all those seasoned travellers out there, I am very happy for you. You may not think this trip is very much, but it is a big hoo ha for me. I don't get to go cool places very often, and in terms of travel, I'm pretty much a virgin at all of it. Went to Europe in Grade 12, other than that, I have only been to British Columbia, nevermind the rest of Canada. Someday I will get there folks. So this is a step in the right direction.

Seeing as how I have no money, not being allowed to work for the last couple months, doctor's orders, my mom and dad are funding this trip. I think they feel bad for not being able to be here when I had surgery. My mom especially. However, they make more money than I do, and they would not offer to pay if they could not afford it right now, so I will not feel guilty about accepting the invitation. The doc has cleared me to fly, so that's awesome. The only thing I don't really understand is that I can fly, just not work. Although I am not allowed to sit for long periods of time yet, which I do for about 8 hours a day when I work, so I guess it does sort of make sense.

I just realized this is a long rambling post, I apologize if it is all over the place, I am a little tired.

Oh, and to correct my last post, something very important is new. I have been a non smoker for almost 2 months. I'd say that is quite an accomplishment.

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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The After Math

So here I am again, almost a week after surgery. It hurt like hell when I woke up, still can't bend over without looking like a freak, not sleeping really, not eating really. All in all I'm great, because things will now only be getting better!

I had my gall bladder removed along with a bunch of scar tissue that apparently was also causing a bunch of problems. So now I should be able to be back to normal in a couple of weeks.

Today was the first day that I went back to school, I missed an exam, and I wrote one today that I think I failed. But, this is the last week of classes, and I have 2 finals next week, Tuesday and Wednesday, but after that, that's it! I'm so excited. I am pretty much guaranteed to pass both classes, maybe not with as high of marks as I would like, but that's ok, all things considered.

I get to go to Chicago to visit my mom and dad the first week in May, which thrills me to no end. I get to fly there and take the train back, and I am soooo looking forward to it. After that, it will be the end of my time off, and I will be (hope hope hope hope) back to normal. And back to work. But after being off for all this time, I can hardly wait to go back o my normal routine.

So that's all that's new, which all told, is not really a whole lot of anything. Huh.

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Friday, April 06, 2007

Laparoscopy, Possible Cholesystectomy and Laparotomy...

In general, the insanely long, and threateningly scary sounding words mean that I have to have surgery.
I went to see a specialist yesterday in a very small town about 2 hours west of where I live. Otherwise I would have had to wait until April 23rd to see the specialist here. And by specialist, I do mean surgeon. So personally I think the 2 hour drive one way was worth it.
Anyway. I saw this crazy doctor, apparently very eccentric, and in an office that looks like a decorator has not touched it since about 1971. Most likely since he set up his office in that building. But apparently he is very brilliant, and one of the best surgeons in the province. People come from B.C., all over Alberta, and even Montana and Washington to see this guy. So I guess I can trust him with my malfunctioning bits and parts.
So to break it all down, they are going to cut a hole in my belly button (guess I will have to wash out the lint...) pump it full of carbon dioxide (so the doc has room to work) and stick a camera on a pole in there to check things out. That's the laparoscopy part. Then, if he does not like what he sees, he will cut the gall bladder out, chop it into little bits, and suck it out through the hole in my belly button. (Sounds yummy...blech.) And that's the cholesystectomy part. If he sees anything else suspicious, funny looking scar tissue, appendix problems, wonky intestines, he can do whatever needs to be done on those. That's the laparotomy part. Laparotomy means they cut open my abdomen for treatment or diagnostics. I suppose you could call it exploratory surgery too. And if they do decide to do something else, I guess there would be more names to add to the list, but lets not think about that right now.
So my worst fear about this appointment was that he was going to say the same as my family doctor had at the beginning of this whole mess, and that was that we would wait and see how it goes. So VERY relieved when this doc said that I would not have come to see him if it was something I could live with.
So there is what is new. I have to have surgery, probably the middle of next week, or the beginning of the week after, and I will find out the date on Monday (because today is a holiday here, and no hospital admin peoples are working) and then I will know.
It is a huge relief. Now all I have to worry about is my normal reaction to anaesthetic. Horrible, uncontrollable, mass vomiting. Yay. But things could be worse. He could have told me I had to wait again. And the nurse at his office said that the anaesthesiologist they use is awesome, and it is very rare that people have a bad reaction from his cocktail of sleepy drugs. So as long as she was not just saying that to make me feel better, things will be all good.
And thanks for caring guys. You have no idea how much it means to me to have all of the encouragement that you left for me. Love you all for that!!!

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