People scare me!
No, seriously, they do.If you are on Social Security, have a fixed income, and are late on your cable bill every month because you don't have enough money and have to borrow from everyone you know, there is a simple answer....CANCEL YOUR CABLE!Cable is not life. It is not an emergency, or a necessity. Why is it that these people freak out if they have no cable?Because they have nothing else. And that scares me. I can't imagine a life so empty that cable is all I have. At that point, I think I would kill myself. But I can't tell anyone to do that. Then I scare myself...
O Brother Where Art Thou?
My brother and I were always at each other's throats when we were little. We used to tease each other, beat each other up, and generally drive each other crazy. Once I moved out, things got much better. Then, once he was done High School, he changed. He relaxed a lot, and almost seemed to grow up overnight. Lately, he has been asking me to do things with him and the people he hangs out with. It is pretty weird, but in a good way. We have been having a blast. I can hardly believe it, but I would not give it up for the world. He has been staying here lately, because his room mate is out of town, and my mom will feed him and do his laundry, and because he does not live here, he does not have to do anything but pick up after himself. Which is a pretty sweet deal, I might add. I don't know what has brought on this change, but I like it. I wish it would have been like this years ago. Everyone keeps telling me that it is because we don't live together anymore. Personally, I think it is because we both grew up. (Well, a little anyway!) :) I can't wait to see where it goes. I love my family!
College Classes 101
So I am back at school, and the first few days were really hard. Not to mention I was just starting back at work. It was a busy week or so. So remember when I had to go through a whole rigamarole in order to get into the math that I wanted? Well, the math is going well. I understand most of it, I am keeing up, and doing my homework, and I think I will do just fine in the class in general. (Now ask me again after I get the first test back in a couple of weeks...)Anywho, they did not ask me anything about my science background, just sort of stuck me in Chemistry 085, which is the equivalent of grade 11 chem, only slightly harder and more intense. I did take Science 10, way back when I was in grade 10. Ask me how long ago that was! So after a week (almost) in the course, I decided, after much thought and difficulty, I decided to drop down a level. I am almost disappointed in myself, because I don't really want to take a summer course next year, or spend the extra $800. At the same time, I am very proud of myself for recognizing that I was in over my head, and setting myself up for failure. I think I could have done it, with a lot of time and effort, which I don't mind putting in, but I am also taking math, which is not my strong suit. Add to that a nearly full time job (36 hours a week) and it does not leave much time for extra study and work in a class that I am not sure I will pass. If I don't pass it the first time, what are the chances I will pass it a second time, if I don't have the fundamentals behind all the concepts? Probably not too good. Mind you everything is always easier the second time round. It was a really hard decision, and I am glad I made it, because I am not stressing so much anymore. My work was kind of annoyed, because they had to totally switch my schedule around, but as I told them, and I will stick to it, my school work comes first. There are other jobs out there. Maybe not ones that pay as well, or that I already know, but for the sake of doing well, I can sacrifice a few things.So the lesson of College Classes 101: if you think you are in over your head, you might be. There is no shame in starting over in the shallow end of the pool. Better feet on ground than lungs in water.Right?
I'm Just Mad About Saffron
I'm just mad about SaffronSaffron's mad about me.I'm just mad about SaffronShe's just crazy 'bout me!They call me Mellow YellowThey call me Mellow YellowI am so mellow right now. Life is so much better right now than it has been in a long time. I am home. In a sense of familiarity and comfort. It is just awesome. I thought it might be awkward at first, you know, moving back in with my parents after living away for so long, but it has been a very smooth transition. I'm sure there will be difficult moments ahead, but for now, it is smooth sailing, and I could not be happier about that. My car is behaving (for the most part) as long as I put radiator coolant in every other time I drive it. I start work tomorrow. (Oh goodness. Remember how evil company *C wanted to hire me back, and I said that I would never go because they were evil-soul-sucking-corporate-vampires? Yeah them.) But it is a job that I know well and do well at, it is temporary, until I can get a job related to nursing once I have a few courses under my belt, and they are the best paying company around that will cater to student schedules. I have a new computer that my mom and dad gave me. (Which I am working on right now!!! I even have wireless internet access, temporarily, which is sweet.) I am feeling really spoiled. My birthday gift from my mom was new school supplies, so she bought the binders, pencils, pens, ect that are the bane of every student's existence. She even bought me a new outfit, that is really cute, and I feel like a million bucks in! Like I said, spoiled! I'm kinda waiting for the other shoe to drop, but I am so mellow right now, I want to ignore it. Maybe it's the whole, "what comes around goes around" and I took a lot of crap lately without going postal. :) Wouldn't that be a nice thought. Anyway, I am still alive, and now I can go back to regular updates. :) Happy blogging!